2014 - Leslie Borries is a recipient of the 2014 Cashford Farm Youth Foundation scholarship. Leslie is the daughter of Gary Borries and Connie and Joe Allen. Her hometown is Tuscola, IL, and is currently in her third year of college at Western Illinois University in Macomb, IL. She is a transfer student from Parkland College. Leslie's major is agriculture education. After she has graduated she plans own teaching agriculture at the high school level while obtaining her masters' degree.
2014 - Will Fombelle is a recipient of the 2014 Cashford Farm Youth Foundation scholarship. He is the son of Reed and Joann Fombelle from Atwood, IL. Will is a 2007 graduate of Atwood Hammond High School and a 2011 graduate of Illinois State University where he earned bachelor degrees in both Agricultural Science and Agricultural Industry Management. Currently, Will is a 4th year student at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine with an expected Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in May, 2015. After graduation, he will specialize in Food Animal Medicine.